Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Listening Music, Change Your Life with It

Quantum Mind Programming is a programming method that uses the mind stimulation of brain waves (Brainwave Entrainment) as induction medium to achieve a state of mind that is receptive (theta), and then proceed with reprogramming the subconscious mind with specific techniques in accordance with the purpose or problem.

If the brain is like a computer and the mind is the software that is installed on the computer, then Quantum Mind Programming is a way to install positive thoughts to the brain and also remove negative thoughts from the brain.

You know, that quality of life depends on the quality of the mind. Negative thoughts lead us pessimistic, while positive thoughts bring spirit and optimistic. Successful people have a mindset of success, while those failing to have the mindset of failure.

The problem is, even though you know that the mind determines the quality of life, you can not easily change the mind of your own. Perhaps you are aware that now you feel the need to "fix" your mind. But you do not know or have not met an effective way.

For that, we introduce the Quantum Mind Programming developed from Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming. Of the many methods of programming the mind, Quantum Mind Programming is a method that is very effective and very easy to do by anyone.

Sigmund Freud, a leading psychology say that most human behavior is influenced by his subconscious mind. Subconscious mind power influence by 88% of our actions, while the influential power of the conscious mind only by 12%.

Many people struggle to change or striving for success with hard work, but it was not successful. That's because they do not know how to use the power of the subconscious mind. Actually, our mind is composed of four levels of consciousness, in which each level of his vital functions are inseparable.

The mind is the center of consciousness that process thoughts, ideas, perceptions, feelings and store knowledge and memory. As the brain which comprises several parts, the mind also consists of four levels or four levels. The four levels of the mind it is:

1. Unconscious Mind

Unconscious mind is a mind that has existed since you in the womb. Unconscious Mind to all living things, including plants, animals and humans. It is thought that serves to regulate the life of a living being. Unconscious mind has two main functions: Maintaining and preserving the lives of descendants. If you know people who are too afraid of death, fear of pain, fear of poor or can not control his sexual appetite, then it means that the person is not master the mind is not conscious.

2. Subconscious Mind

Subconscious mind is a mind that is formed from the experience of life. Its content is a recording of what is felt, heard and seen someone start in the womb. The subconscious mind formed personality, identity, beliefs, customs, nature and behavior. Subconscious Mind is also a storehouse of memory from childhood to the present. Even memory has forgotten consciously, still could be raised again if someone could open the subconscious mind. If you know anyone who has a mental block, convinced that he can not afford, can not change bad habits or bigoted against his conviction, it means that he is bound by his own subconscious mind.

3. Conscious Mind (Conscious Mind)

The conscious mind is the center of logic, the will, the ability to analyze, plan and create a reason. This is part of what distinguishes man from other animals and pets. When the mind the will of the conscious mind in harmony with the will of a person's subconscious, it will not be a problem. But if there is a conflict between the conscious and unconscious mind, then many problems can arise. Not just about physical health are impaired because of a conflict of mind, mental health and a person's success is also greatly influenced harmony conscious and unconscious mind.

4. Superconscious Mind

Superconscious mind is the center of wisdom and spirituality. In Superconscious mind there is only peace, love, happiness and wisdom of looking at things. This is thought to be achieved level of spiritual seekers from various religions. Many people meditate, pray, meditate, do yoga and such to get the "enlightenment" which actually is the achievement Superconscious mind.

How to mind your mind works very similar to a computer. You can install a program onto a computer. And if you no longer need the program again, you can delete it. But can be installed and uninstalled on purpose, a computer program can also be affected negatively as we know it by the name "computer virus".

Mind you too. When you were a baby, your mind is like a new computer that is not fitted with any program. Then you start to hear, see and feel everything that is around you. That's when your mind starts programmed by all the events that you hear, see or feel.

Intentionally or not, your mind has been programmed by the people around you, the environment, the television shows you watch, by the information received from the other, by the books you read and the mass media that you believe the news. Any information that goes into your mind and all the life experiences you will ever go through to program your mind so that you become what it is today. Be aware that the habits, personality, behavior, perceptions and beliefs you have now is the result of programming from your neighborhood.

The problem is that not all programs that we receive from the environment is a good program. And sometimes without us want we also get a bad experience giving rise to "mind virus" which always disturb us. For that we need to eliminate the Quantum Mind Programming "mind viruses" programmed in our minds without our will.

Besides programmed by the environment, your mind can also programmed by selftalk. What it selftalk? Selftalk are words the heart that often you say to yourself. Selftalk can be positive or negative. Selftalk positive example is when inside you speak "I am a confident person and good at communicating" or "I was being difficult now, but I'm sure all will change if I try hard".

While negative selftalk example is when you grumble to myself "Why do I always unlucky fate?", "Life is a struggle", "What if I fail?", "I was a coward and a fool" and so on. If a person often has a negative selftalk, then his life tends to be more difficult because his mind is filled by negative programs that impede personal progress.

Negative Selftalk also has a tendency to survive and appear automatically when it is programmed in the subconscious mind. That is why many people are trying to eliminate selftalk negative (negative thoughts) but trouble. For that, you need a Quantum Mind Programming to overcome negative selftalk already entrenched in your subconscious.

Adults are generally able to resist the influence of the surrounding. But when we were little, we did not able to resist the influence of surrounding us. And in childhood that is usually a negative program began embedded in your mind. If now you have a problem related to thoughts, feelings or behavior, could be a problem that the effect of the negative program that is embedded since childhood and program it into semaki strong as you age.

Quantum Mind Programming works as a way to remove negative programs at once put a positive program that will make you better than before. With Quantum Mind Programming, you can eliminate all the bad things you want to get rid of thoughts, feelings and behavior. With Quantum Mind Programming, you can instill thoughts, feelings and behavior better new.

In CD Music Therapy, Quantum Mind Programming is a complementary therapy that is no less important to the Music Therapy and Brain Wave Therapy. Music Therapy In each CD you a message, in addition you get audio files containing music therapy and therapy of brain waves, there is also a special folder for Quantum Mind Programming. In that folder there are two files, namely:
Brainwave Entrainment Audio Files to stimulate your brain to produce a dominant theta brain waves. The stimulation will help you enter into a state of mental relaxation that is needed for the process of reprogramming the mind. Many people believe that the theta brain wave is a sign that our subconscious mind is open to accept the changes.

DOC files Practice Guide Quantum Mind Programming in accordance with the purpose or benefit of our CD production. Guide practice one CD with another CD definitely different because every problem has a different way of handling.

To perform Quantum Mind Programming, you live listening audio files with speakers or headphones for 5-10 minutes, closing your eyes and let yourself relax. You do not have to try to concentrate or emptying the mind. Naturally you will enter the theta state. Then you do a "mind programming process" according to the guidelines.

It has been proven by hundreds of people, that Quantum Mind Programming is very effective in incorporating positive thoughts into your brain. Some people who have tried self hypnosis (hypnotherapy to yourself) acknowledges that the Quantum Mind Programming is more effective than self-hypnosis that has been done over the years.

Most programming method that failed is because you are required to concentration, focus or emptying the mind. Though it could be you are a trouble concentrating and difficulty emptying the mind. Therefore, one of the advantages of Quantum Mind Programming is the method does not require concentration and you do not need to empty the mind.

In conclusion: Quantum Mind Programming is very easy to put into practice and is suitable for everyone without exception. Even for you that trouble concentrating, difficulty emptying the mind or sentenced to hard to enter a trance, Quantum Mind Programming remain fit for you.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: In music therapy, the main method is the application of technology and Brainwave Entrainment Music Therapy to stimulate the brain. While Quantum Mind Programming is complementary methods when needed. Therefore, Quantum Mind Programming exists only in Music Therapy CD if necessary. In other words, not all CD Music Therapy in which there is Quantum Mind Programming.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, i believe it, music is simple. But Music is can Change your Life.

    I also like writing music for others to enjoy and get rejuvenated spiritually. I like listening to almost all types of music but gospel is my heart and soul. It's where I get all of my inspiration and it keeps me connected to God. I also love to play gospel music on my piano and drums as well as sing it!☺

    Thanks for share this informative post, respect you.
